Make it stand out.
Memberships & class deals
Memberships are always the best value for maintaining a regular yoga practice, yoga works better the more you do it & we love watching our members thrive and flourish here…
£30 for 30 days, and you’ve got 12 credits to use over 30 days, yoga works best if it’s regular, try all the classes we offer…
SALE Gold Membership One-Time Purchase
12 months for the price of 11 saving you £108!
Unlimited classes & studio/sauna/workshop discounts,
3 - 4 times a week? £6 -8 per class
8 studio & 4 Livestream classes a month
£7.30 a class
6 classes a month £11 a class
4 classes a month £13.75 a class
£280 - 6 month expiry
£18 Sun studio £16 Moon studio